15 Yoga Poses You Should Avoid with High Blood Pressure

Yoga Poses to Avoid with High Blood Pressure

Which yoga poses should you avoid when you have high blood pressure? Here are 15 common poses that are actually a threat to your health than they are beneficial.

If you love yoga and are dealing with high blood pressure, you are not alone. I say this to encourage you.

Yoga is a great way of getting into shape and lowering your blood pressure. However, there are a number of yoga poses you should avoid when struggling with hypertension.

Continue reading this article to find out more.

Benefits of Yoga

There are several amazing benefits of yoga. The practice is therapeutic, and can help reduce stress levels and tension naturally. These two factors are the most significant causes of blood pressure.

If you want to practice yoga, you have to stick to poses that would help to lower your blood pressure. These poses include:

i) Those that don’t get the legs higher than the heart

ii) Those that don’t get the heart more elevated than the head

There are also specific poses that require the body to be inverted or position your head right below the heart. These poses should raise an immediate reg flag for those struggling with hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure.

Why should you avoid certain poses and what is their connection to blood pressure?  You’ll have all the answers to your questions by the end of reading this article.

Moreover, there are several modifications of some of these yoga poses. Watch how you feel when practicing the modified yoga poses and stop immediately if you don’t feel too well.

Yoga Poses to Avoid With High Blood Pressure

Some of the yoga poses you’ll read about below are quite contradictory to management of high blood pressure. Nobody would want to practice such poses while dealing with high blood pressure.

However, since I’m not a medical practitioner, consult your doctor before going with the opinions I’ve presented below.

So, which yoga poses should you avoid when you have hypertension? Here is the list.

  1. Headstand


Headstands typically force the legs above the head, and the heart above the head as well. The pose is not ideal for individuals dealing with high blood pressure.

When suffering from hypertension, you should always be upright to allow blood to flow easily through the veins. If you have to do headstands, be careful and monitor your blood pressure.

  1. Forearm Stand

Forearm Stand

The forearm stand is almost similar to the headstand since you have to be on the same position. Being on your forearms tends to elevate the body but not enough to prevent blood pressure since you will still be in an upside-down position.

Sometimes, the forearm stand can be quite a challenging pose. You can somehow become unsteady when trying to hold all the body weight up in the air. The result? A lot of pressure on the body that can, in turn, increase blood pressure level.

  1. Plow and Shoulder Stand Pose

Plow and Shoulder Stand Pose

The plow and shoulder stand pose are not recommended if you have hypertension. This is because the pose would require you to be in an inverted position. The posture would instantly put the body in one of the most compromising positions.

When doing shoulder stands, you have to hold yourself upright from lying down. The yoga pose, additionally, forces the legs over the head, leaving the body unsupported when balancing in the air.

  1. Handstand


The handstand is an extremely rigorous inverted pose. The pose puts the body in an upside-down position and exerts tremendous pressure on the shoulders and the entire upper body. When doing the pose, the legs stay elevated in the air completely.

Keeping the legs elevated is dangerous if you have high blood pressure. Handstands are often rough on the wrists, if you don’t maintain the correct posture. When you want to keep your blood pressure level low, this pose is not recommended.

  1. Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog

When you have hypertension, you should avoid the downward dog position at all cost because of the way the body will be positioned. The pose gets the body in an upside-down position, and the head right below the heart. This pose can be dangerous if you are dealing with high blood pressure.

You can modify the downward dog position by doing it against the wall to keep the entire body at an even length. However, if you are struggling with high blood pressure, it’s highly recommended that you stick to basic yoga poses, which are typically the beginner’s routine. These routines usually don’t include complicated positions.

Another alternative is to practice yoga routines meant for older adults. Check out yoga DVDs for beginners over 50 for different methods that are equally easy-to-do.

  1. Standing Forward Bend

Standing Forward Bend

When doing the standing forward bend, the body is usually folded in half, right below the center. If you stand upright and bend the body directly over the heart, in most cases, you’ll be putting yourself in danger. This is because the blood will immediately rush to the head, which is away from the heart.

However, you can modify this pose by sitting down and bending forward. Always keep the head in an upright position as this helps blood flow through the whole body easily.

  1. Backbend


The backbend puts exception tension on the entire body. Think about it; you bend your whole body backward and need to support all the weight on the hands. Backbends usually put the whole body under intense pressure, especially if you haven’t prepared well for them.

  1. Wheel Pose

Wheel Pose

A wheel pose is an advanced backbend pose. The pose takes a lot of strength and also stretches the chest. This makes it quite difficult to breathe, unless you are conversant with the 80/20 breathing technique. It’s, therefore, a risky pose for individuals with high blood pressure.

Instead of doing the wheel pose, you can try the supported bridge pose with a block to achieve similar benefits.

  1. Camel Pose

Camel Pose

The camel pose isn’t intense like the wheel pose. However, you will need to warm-up thoroughly to comfortably come into the backbend. Moreover, you can also find it quite difficult to breathe properly when in this position.

However, you still can do the half-camel pose with a slight tilt backward on the torso area, and support the lower back using your hands.

  1. Bow Pose

Bow Pose

The bow pose requires you to lay on your stomach and pull the torso back towards your legs, and lift the legs off the ground. The pose is almost similar to the wheel pose. However, in this case, you are on your stomach and the arms are reaching the back instead of supporting the entire body weight.

The bow pose would also count as an advanced backbend, considering it’s quite difficult to breathe when you are in this pose. It also requires some decent flexibility levels. It’s advisable to avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure.

Instead of the bow pose, try the locust pose, which is almost similar but not as intense.

  1. Jackknife Pose

The jackknife is an advanced boat pose. The boat pose is safe even for individuals dealing with high blood pressure. However, the jackknife pose involves lifting the legs vertically and bringing the torso closer to the thighs. You will find a lot of trouble breathing in this pose.

  1. Feet Up the Wall

Consult your doctor before practicing on this pose. Although the pose is quite relaxing, the body is often inverted and the legs are at an angle of 90 degrees. Doing the pose can increase your blood pressure.

  1. Fish Pose

Fish Pose

If you have hypertension, try practicing the supported fish pose version. Placing a block right under the shoulders would make the pose a little intense, and also help to relax the feet instead of pointing them. As a result, you can  breathe easily while still getting a great backbend to increase the flexibility to your spine.

  1. Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose

Doing the bridge pose without a block is quite risky since it requires a lot of back strength. Besides, it also puts some pressure on the heart .

To do the bridge pose, try placing a block at the tailbone. Doing this will make the pose feel a lot more comfortable. If it doesn’t, adjust it to get all the benefits without straining.

  1. Locust Pose

Locust Pose

It’s not recommended to do the bow pose, as earlier mentioned. If you have high blood pressure and want to do this pose, don’t hold it for far too long. Instead breathe, relax, and repeat this several times.

How to Use Meditation and Yoga for Hypertension by Baba Ramdev

Baba Ramdev is a well-known Ayurveda and yogi guru in India. One of the popular lessons he offers focuses on  permanently curing high blood pressure in less than a month. He recommends using a combination of some yoga techniques and medication as well.

The content is his video is excellent, but the quality isn’t perfect since it was translated into English.

Why Avoid Certain Yoga Poses When You Have High Blood Pressure

Generally, if you have hypertension, avoid inverted yoga poses or those that have the head below the heart. When your body is inverted, blood tends to go towards the head and this increases blood pressure and can lead to a stroke.

Furthermore, blood needs to reach the legs even when you are in an upside-down position. The heart, therefore, would need to work harder pumping blood towards the lower extremities and legs since gravity won’t be helping at that time.

When the body is inverted, the abdominal organs like the intestines, liver, and stomach tend to press on the diaphragm. This makes breathing harder, and the heart to work harder.

You should also avoid advanced backbends such as the wheel pose. Backbends usually require too much strength. Sometimes, when the torso bends backward, it stretches the chest and makes breathing difficult. The pose also strains the heart, and can let insufficient oxygen exchanged with carbon dioxide into the circulatory system.

High blood pressure isn’t a prison sentence. Instead, it’s a stepping stone to bettering yourself. Health issues sometimes arise only to remind us of the essential things in life. Practicing yoga can help to reduce blood pressure. However, there are certain yoga poses you should avoid.

Continue monitoring yourself to find out the poses that you can comfortably do. However, avoid the poses mentioned in this article if you have high blood pressure. This is because of the position of the body during the poses.

In the above poses, the body takes  an inverted position, the legs are positioned higher than the heart, and the head lower than the heart. Inverted poses additionally force blood to the head and away from the heart, which should be a significant concern to anyone struggling with hypertension.

Breathing and holding the breath are essential components of yoga. When someone has high blood pressure, their airways should never be blocked or constricted in any way. When you hold your breath, blood pressure tends to increase instantly.

Yoga is an ideal natural remedy for high blood pressure. However, you need to be conversant with the poses you can and can’t do.

Best Yoga Poses for High Blood Pressure

The six yoga poses below have been found to help reduce high blood pressure, as shown in the video below:

The poses include:

  • Mountain Pose
  • Half Spinal Twist
  • Corpse Pose
  • Diamond Pose
  • Cow Head Pose
  • Tree Pose

Many studies indicate a reduction in blood pressure for individuals with hypertension that regularly practice yoga.

Before you start your yoga practice, get an appropriate sports bra that fits perfectly well. For example, if you are full-figured, you should get the best sports bras for large breasts. The bra should be made of  breathable fabric, be super comfortable, and supportive. Sports bras come in a range of colors and designs.

Caution When Practicing Yoga With Hypertension

In some situations, you need to be careful when practicing yoga. First, avoid hot or Bikram yoga, due to the high degree of heat involved. The heat creates electrolyte imbalance that could make the heart to overwork.

Secondly, avoid yoga poses that would put you in a position which counteracts with blood pressure levels.

You can practice yoga even if you have hypertension. The benefits of the exercise outweigh the risks. However, remember the inverted positions aren’t safe due to the position of the legs, heart, and head.

High blood pressure requires tender, love, and care, as well. You can visit a yoga therapist to design your yoga sequences.

How to Lower Blood Pressure and Avoid Pushing Daisies

So you want to know how to lower blood pressure? Obviously you’ve heard about the dangers this condition poses to your health and you want to know how to lower the risk.

Hypertension is silent and deadly and it’s on the rise, its even casting a shadow over the young as well.

So what’s the reason for the big increase in suffers? The medical bodies point the finger at modern living such as.

  • Foods that are easily accessible like take-a-ways, quick microwave meals and others that are filled with over the top sodium and unhealthy fats.
  • Spending hours on end on the favourite pass time, worshiping the god known as TV, and lack of proper physical activity
  • Children on their games consoles from morning till night no wonder the silent killer is able to spread its dark shadow over so many.

If you really want to know how to lower blood pressure than listen up

Step one

Have your blood pressure checked by your doctor, if you haven’t had it checked do so now as hypertension in most cases there are no symptoms what so ever. The doctor might use the best stethoscope for blood pressure to take your readings.

Prior to me being diagnosed with the condition all those years back, it didn’t cross my mind that I suffered from it.

There were on some occasions where out of the blue I was hit with dizzy spells, which I dismissed, thinking I was just overworked.

Step two

if suffer from this health isue ask your doctor how high is it? Will you have to go on prescribed medication or will lifestyle changes be good enough to lower it?

Unfortunately for me lifestyle changes alone are not up to the job in keeping my problem under control.

I’m on a drug called Ramipril, one 10 mg pill a day, but my doctor is not happy with its performance. He says its not bringing my BP down to its target measurements.

If lifestyle changes is all it takes to lower it, then start reducing salt from your foods. Salt is one of the triggers to this problems; it causes your body to retain water, which in turn causes BP to go up.

If you find you’re having a hard time lowering your salt intake then try suing sea salt, you’ll find it’s a lot saltier and you wont need as much.

If you are over weight or not, talk to your doctor about suggestions on what physical activity you can do to help lower hypertension. My exercises are simple I cycle 5 days a week to work and back. I do 20 minutes each way and its not slow; I make sure I’m breathing heavy when I’m finished.

I weight train 2-3 times a week with my partner at home, nothing major, bench press, bicep curls, back and shoulder press. I do 4 sets of 30 reps stomach crunch, the plank for two minutes. Some stretching and then finish off with some Tai Chi breathing which is supposed to relax the blood vessels, which in turn helps the blood flow more freely.

Step five

Diet, again your doctor will be able to help, I wanted to know how to lower mine to acceptable levels. My doctor pointed me in the direction of 2 types, the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet. 

I took both ideas and came up with my own, which is mixed vegetables with very meal, chicken breasts, fish and egg whites and fruit.

I personally don’t have red meat, I cook with virgin olive oil and I take one tablespoon every day, (ARRRGH it tastes horrible). I have 50g dark chocolate every day, 3 mugs black tea a day no sugar (another ARRRGH because before I used to have white coffee with sugar).

My diet is nothing to shot about, but if I want to avoid the effects of the silent killer then sacrifices must be made. The sacrifices I’m making regarding pleasure foods are small compared to what damage this condition can do to me if I don’t focus on healthy habits.

Step six

If you’re a smoker and you suffer from this condition isn’t it about time you gave it up? I know what you’re thinking yeah sure its easy for a none smoker to say give up.

But if you have your sights set on how to bring your readings to safe levels then this is one of the big pleasures you have to give up.

Step seven

Alcohol is another pleasure in moderation is fine. But over zealous with the tipple and you’ll end up in the firing line of health related issues and one of them is raised blood pressure.

My alcohol intake is small, occasionally I might have a couple of cans of cheap larger, glass a wine or baileys when I go out or at Christmas.

Step eight

You have 2 options:

(1) You can follower all the advice your doctor has to give you and act upon it to keep this life threatening under control.


(2) You can ignore all of it and live life the way you want. But if you take the second option and if you’re lucky you’ll be recovering in a hospital bed without any lasting damage caused by uncontrolled HBP.

But if you’re not, you’ll end up six foot under pushing daises and just a memory to your friends and family.

This health problem is called the “silent killer” for a reason don’t you forget that.

This article is for information purposes only, always consult your doctor regarding BP. Your health is your own responsibility and no one else’s.

Recommended Reading: Nurselly.com

White Coat Syndrome: Do You Know What it is?

White coat syndrome has nothing to do with being dragged of to the funny farm by people in white coats. Nope, it’s a term given to someone whose blood pressure rises every time they get near a hospital or doctor’s surgery.

When I was first diagnosed with having HBP all those years back my doctor put me on a 24-hour monitor twice once in 1999 and 2004 to make sure I wasn’t suffering from white coat hypertension.

The reason he did this was because of my jitteriness whenever I had to see him. He ruled it out, but kept an eye on my blood pressure.

At that time he didn’t put me on medication, as my blood pressure readings were borderline, plus I was exercising by riding my bike doing martial arts he didn’t think I needed it.

On medication since December 2010

I’ve only been on medication since December 2010 as I’ve been under a lot of stress brought on by redundancy in 2009, to add to matters I’m a lot older now. (About )

White coat HBP shows up in as much as 20% of patients, and it can be confusing. It is believed that this is a nervous problem. A visit to the doctor’s inspires fear that something terrible might be found out, medically.

This fear causes BP to rise, but it’s only going up temporarily to an abnormal level because you’re having a nervous reaction. Once this ingrained fear when seeing a doctor sets in there’s no way your BP is coming down.

But when you’re home and relaxed, you take your blood pressure with a home monitor, of course the readings show up lower. This can make it hard for your doctor to get an accurate reading of your true pressure even if they have the best stethoscope.

Here are some basic facts that you need to know about this condition so that you can figure out if you suffer from it or not:

  • If you keep going to your doctor regularly and keep getting a higher-than-home reading after your first few visits, you have the problem. You have been conditioned from your first visits to become upset about the visit.
  • It’s believed that the fact that your blood pressure temporarily goes up does not put you at super high risk for heart disease. But, the syndrome probably does put you at higher risk for developing heart disease than you would have without the fear of seeing your doctor.
  • Doctors know how to make accurate mental corrections for the syndrome. They will consider your home monitor the correct or closely correct reading.
  • If you don’t think your doctor has a good “bedside manner” you should change doctors. A more personable doctor could relax you and help reverse your conditioning, which will be better for your health and treatment.
  • Taking medicine for relaxation before visiting the doctor could interfere with your BP Medication or have negative side effects. Instead, you should find non-medical ways of relaxing more. Meditation or listening to relaxing music might help.

Sources Mentioned: https://www.nurselly.com/best-stethoscope-of-the-year/

High Diastolic Blood Pressure: What Does it Mean?

High diastolic blood pressure or diastolic hypertension just means a blood pressure measurement of 90 and above when the heart is in relaxing mode for just a quarter of a second.

There are two numbers to blood pressure readings one is the systolic blood pressure when the heart is on a banging beat pushing blood around the body and the second is the diastolic, which this article is about.

Since I discovered I had hypertension all those years back (about) I have been gathering information on the silent killer from all sources and most from my doctor, so I can keep one-step a head of its deadly effects. I have even taken a break from using some of the best budget 3D printers that I was accustomed to in my art hobby as most of my time is now spent on researching HBP.

When I got more acquainted with my condition I asked my doctor what he was listening to when he took my blood pressure? He said he was listening to 2 sounds the heart makes when beating and when relaxed. Being ignorant I said I thought I had High BP?

He said yes you have, but it is broken up into two numbers in my case both were high the systolic some where between 160/180 top number, and the diastolic bottom one between 90/100.

He said the device he uses is called a sphygmomanometer, which he inflates around the arm, to a degree it feels like the blood vessels are about to burst.

After required inflation he slowly releases air until he picks up the distinct sounds between systolic and diastolic. As I mentioned above it’s always high up the blood pressure chart for me.

Diastolic number can change a lot during the day because of:

  • Level of exercise
  • Posture
  • Nicotine use
  • Amount of stress you are exposed to

To avoid high diastolic blood pressure take a closer look at your diet, overall health, family history of HBP, heart diseases and lifestyle. Understanding all these factors can go a long way in bringing blood pressure down to normal readings.

Pre-programmed route of blood around the body

As the blood vessels travel from the heart they gradually decrease in size and branch off to the liver, kidneys and lungs and so on. In normal diastolic pressure there is enough pressure to send blood to all parts of the body, which works out just fine.

But for someone suffering from diastolic hypertension it’s a bad thing as the small vessels that supply blood to the vital organs are affected the most by such high pressure of blood.

Elevated diastolic pressure can cause hardening arteries and eventually become less elastic and scarred and are prone to break a lot easier and get blocked.

As a person gets older the arteries go through this gradual deterioration process, but if diastolic hypertension is thrown into the mix, the process speed up at a greater rate.

Maintaining normal blood pressure is vital for someone wanting to reduce the risk of blood vessel and organ damage, stroke or heart attack. Here are some of the high blood pressure numbers to look out for in diastolic mode.

  • Someone with a diastolic blood pressure of 81 to 89 has a health condition known as pre-hypertension.
  • About 2% of patients with elevated blood pressure don’t seek help to reduce blood pressure until the symptoms are severe.
  • At this stage the disease is called malignant hypertension, diastolic blood pressure at 140 and above at times.


The main symptoms are:

  • Nausea
  • Light-headedness
  • Frequent headaches

When it gets to this stage it is important to see your doctor, so he can assess your blood pressure readings. This article is for information purposes only; always consult your doctor regarding blood pressure issues.

Side Note: Learn More About 3D Printing Technology

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Not a lot? That’s exactly it; there are no high blood pressure symptoms until the effects of it hit you by deteriorating your organs, causing stroke or heart failure.

Did you know it is possible to go about your day-to-day life and miss the signs and symptoms of this particular problem?

In my case I did notice some dizziness that caused me to black out for just a fraction of a second and I mean a fraction.

I didn’t think much of it and went about my business and put it down to being over worked and not getting enough sleep.

Hypertension has no preference, young and old alike can be affected. This is why it is so important to keep an eye on blood pressure, as there are no tell tale symptoms in most cases.

So what is blood pressure?

BP is the force put on your arteries as blood passes through them carrying life giving nutrients to all your vital organs. Each time you go to the doctor even for routine checkups they slide a cuff over the upper part of your arm, the doctor then inflates it giving your arm quite a squeeze.

This device is checking the pressure your blood is putting on your arteries, raised blood pressure numbers can indicate various problems including:

  • Kidney disease
  • Alcohol or tobacco use
  • Thyroid problems
  • Too much salt in the diet

The silent killer seldom rears its ugly head till its too late.

OK so there are no out of the blue signs to indicate someone suffers from HBP. Surly over time there must be some warning signs the silent killer is about to put some serious hurt on a person’s body?

Yes there are in some rare cases some have said they’ve had busts of headaches or dizziness now and again, but as a rule, it is only discovered after the damage has been done.

Some may be surprised to learn they have raised BP, and again only when it has done its worst. Of course, regular monitoring and check ups with your family doctor can catch it early so something can be done about it. I was lucky my company doctor caught mine in time many years a go.


So, what can happen if you leave this condition untreated for prolonged periods? You may begin to experience various complications associated with High BP. These can include but are not limited to:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney failure
  • Vision problems or blindness
  • Aneurysms

The heart, brain, kidneys and legs are the most vulnerable when arteries narrow or blood flow becomes restricted. As you can imagine this makes monitoring your BP a very important item on your to do list.


In 95% of cases, the exact underlying causes of HBP will not be discovered. However, there is enough known about the problem to point at lifestyle choices as the main contributor.

Lack of exercise, smoking, drinking and being overweight can all contribute to increase in blood pressure readings. Though hypertension can be treated with meicines, the better solution is to prevent it in the first place.

This article about high blood pressure symptoms is for information purposes only please consult your doctor before trying anything new regarding issues

Malignant High Blood Pressure: How Serious is It?

Malignant high blood pressure is a serious condition that happens to only about one percent of the population.

Doctors diagnose the disease as such when the lower (diastolic) pressure number, which usually reads at about 80 mmHg, rises rapidly to 130 mmHg.

If you find yourself with a diastolic number this high you should contact your doctor immediately because you will need emergency services as part of your treatment. The issue with blood pressure of this nature is that it’s serious but difficult disease to diagnose at times because the symptoms can mimic other conditions.

Symptoms of malignant high blood pressure include blurry vision, seizures and changes in your mental state. Report any feelings of anxiety or confusion because they can lead to a possible diagnosis of extreme hypertension. Other symptoms to watch out for include numbness, chest pain, sleepiness and weakness of your limbs.

Nausea and vomiting also indicate that you’re having a problem with this kind of blood pressure. Contact your doctor if any of these symptoms are present because swift medical attention reduces your chance of experiencing major complications.

The people at a higher risk of developing this condition

People who have a higher risk when it comes to this disease include those with Collagen vascular disorders, kidney problems and Toxemia of pregnancy. In some cases, younger patients are more at risk for developing malignant hypertension.

People of African-American decent have a higher likelihood of getting the disorder, as does anyone who has experienced kidney failure or renal artery stenosis.

Renal artery stenosis causes the narrowing of the arteries in your kidneys. Pregnant women who develop gestational hypertension sometimes fall victim to this blood pressure disease.

Patients who develop malignant hypertension will most certainly be sent to hospital sometimes to the intensive care unit. The goal of any doctor treating you is to lower your blood pressure to normal levels as soon as possible.

Nurses will hook patients up to an IV where they will receive medicines to treat and bring down their patient’s blood pressure. Fast treatment greatly increases your chance that the condition will cause little if any permanent damage. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek emergency treatment as soon as symptoms start to appear.

Tests to determine if someone has malignant hypertension

Tests that emergency room doctors do to reach a diagnosis of malignant hypertension include physical examinations, eye exam, blood tests, urine tests and a chest x-ray.

A physical exam checks for high blood pressure, swelling of the lower legs or feet, heart sounds and detects any fluid in the lungs.

Doctors look for any swelling related to the optic nerve, possible bleeding of the retina and the narrowing of blood vessels in the eye area.

Blood and urine tests tell a doctor if you experience any problems related to your kidneys as hypertension can cause damage to these areas.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to this disease is to seek immediate care by calling your doctor or emergency services because the longer you wait, more problems can occur as a result of it. This article is for information purposes only always consult your doctor regarding blood pressure issues.

Marijuana and High Blood Pressure (Like Oil and Water)

Marijuana and high blood pressure do not mix like the proverbial oil-and-water combo. Yet many individuals risk their good health for the infamous five-fingered leaf and the psychedelic highs that it provides for users.

This is not to say that marijuana does not have its merits – it is used as a legal prescription drug in many jurisdictions in the United States including treatment for nausea and vomiting, insomnia, lack of appetite and premenstrual syndrome – but it is best to steer clear of it for obvious reasons.

It should be noted that non-prescription use of marijuana is a punishable offense under federal law. What exactly is the relationship between the two? The findings in several scientific studies have been mixed.

On one hand, marijuana can increase BP levels almost immediately after inhalation, putting you at risk from the first trip. For this reason individuals are well advised to stay away from this psychedelic inducing drug since it can worsen your condition or kick start it.

On the other hand, there are also studies that point to one of the long-term effects of marijuana usage – hypotension, a condition characterized by abnormally low blood pressure levels.

Hypotension has its own share of symptoms like dizziness, which increases the risk for falls, and damage to the organs (i.e., heart, brain and lungs) because of insufficient supply of oxygen.

The bottom line: Don’t mess with this drug unless it is absolutely necessary and only when prescribed by your doctor. HBP levels in the short-term and low blood pressure readings in the long-term are undesirable; try to stick to a normal level of below 120/80 for a healthy mind and body.

The relationship between this drug and High BP can also be described in terms of the signs and symptoms of marijuana use.

  • Elevated heart and pulse rates by as much as 50% are experienced almost immediately after inhalation of the smoke from sensory stimulating drug.

If you already suffer from the condition or you are at risk, your symptoms will be worsened with cannabis use. You are putting your life at stake for the sake of getting a few hours of psychedelic high, which is irrational when you come to think of it.

  • Irregular sleep habits and sleep disorders like insomnia are the long-term effects of cannabis use. Keep in mind that one of the most important lifestyle habits in managing hypertension is to get sufficient rest and sleep, which will aid in stress management.

When you use marijuana on a regular basis, you can say goodbye to restful sleep and normal blood pressure.

  • Increased amounts of toxic carbon monoxide in the blood, which means lower amount of oxygen being fed into your heart, blood vessels and other internal organs. Your bloodshot eyes caused by changes in your blood vessels are trivial compared to this effect.


  • Chest pains, which are also a symptom of hypertension, have been credited to the use of marijuana. You are taking unnecessarily high risks when you consume the illicit substance.

Let’s not forget regular use of this drug use can lead to several other health complications. You can suffer from memory problems; difficulty in performing tasks requiring concentration; impaired speech; and mood swings, among others.

So what do you do to stop the negative cycle between marijuana and high blood pressure? Stop using it, pure and simple!

How to Treat High Blood Pressure Hair Loss

high blood pressure hair lossToday, we are taking a break from blood pressure articles and talking about hair. In my course of suffering from high blood pressure, I found it difficult to grow my hair. This article addresses some tips I’ve come across on how to handle hair problems when living with high blood pressure.

When hair refuses to behave, or lacks volume and shine, it’s time for a conditioning treatment. Styling products, hair color, and even shampoo can create enough buildup to make hair unruly, limp, and dull.

A conditioning treatment can solve different hair problems or conditions. Choose among the following hair treatments for beautiful hair.

Hair Treatment for Damaged Hair

Without the proper care, hair color and hair relaxers make hair dry and brittle resulting in hair breakage and sometimes dandruff. This is especially true for black hair. Deep conditioning will protect hair and make hair color and relaxers last longer. Deep condition a week before applying hair color or relaxers, and continue once a week thereafter.

There are many home hair remedies, made with ingredients found in the kitchen that provide excellent results, including mayonnaise, olive oil, and other products. These items are high in emollients that penetrate dry, damaged hair nourishing, smoothing, and adding shine.

A mayonnaise hair mask or olive oil hair mask are simple, just apply throughout hair and scalp. Wrap hair with plastic wrap and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well and shampoo with a product specifically formulated for color treated or chemically relaxed hair. Keep a small container reserved for this purpose.

For those who do not have the inclination to use home hair remedies, the following brands promise to do an excellent job at bringing hair back to health: Fekkai Protein Rx Reparative, or Wella In-Depth Treatment and Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream, both inexpensive but excellent.

Conditioning Treatments for Thin Hair

Thin hair lacks volume and shine. Styling products designed to thicken hair build up, causing strands to collapse under their weight. Removing excess products requires more than shampoo but a deep conditioning treatment to detox and restore hair. In addition, thin hair can be oily, dry, curly, and frizzy, and treatments must address the specific type.

Thin oily hair will benefit from scalp treatments that get rid of excess sebum, aerating hair at root level. Try these simple hair home remedies:

Aloe Vera gel, enough to cover the scalp, add a squirt of lemon juice, and massage, or use ½ cup vinegar and with one teaspoon of salt, massage scalp with a cotton pad, wrap hair in a damp towel and remove after 15 minutes. Products to try, Rene Furterer Purifying Clay Mask or Phyto Phytopolleine Botanical Scalp Stimulant.

Thin dry frizzy hair, is characterized by dry, flaky scalp and dead ends. The hair root becomes clogged and oil doesn’t spread throughout the hair. Regular conditioning treatment will nourish, increase blood circulation, and improve growth. Homemade treatments are an egg mask or a hot oil treatment.

Make an egg mask by mixing an egg with a drop of lemon juice, massage over scalp and hair, cover in plastic wrap, leave for 15 minutes, and rinse well. Follow with shampoo. Try Motions At Home Weightless Clear Hairdress, or Phyto Pytosquame Intensive Treatment.

Thin curly frizzy hair is also on the dry side but it requires hair treatments that add control and coats strands. A nourishing home treatment is an avocado hair mask, rich enough to nourish and thicken strands. Mash ½ an avocado into a creamy texture, gently massage throughout scalp and hair, and cover with plastic wrap for 20 minutes. Shampoo and rinse well, final rinse with a cup of warm water mixed with ¼-cup vinegar.

Or try Rusk Pro Elements Keratin Smoothing Treatment or Ouidad Deep Treatment Intensive Conditioner.

Hair Extensions Treatments

Hair Extensions is also victim of styling products, over brushing, or pollution, making hair extensions look dull and lifeless. A deep conditioning treatment protects from future problems such as dryness. A homemade mask once or twice a month should give hair extensions the necessary nourishment to keep them looking new.

Try an olive oil hair mask. Just apply olive oil, massage throughout hair extensions. Wrap in a damp, warm towel for 20 minutes, rinse, and shampoo.

As an extra treat when possible, leave treatments on overnight and rinse out in the morning. Just remember to change the pillowcase.


Finally I Get To Walk Down the Aisle With The Man Of My Dreams – MY SECRET FAT BURNER SUCCESS STORY

before and afterMost of my friends know I had high blood pressure. The high blood pressure was caused by me being overweight. Today, I am blogging about something most of my readers don’t know: how I lost weight. This is a personal story and I appreciate any comments you may have.

The day my life changed was when my best friend gifted me The Secret Fat Burner supplement. I have been struggling to lose weight for some time now, and I have literally tried every diet product and diet plan on the market. I was basically at my wits end and I was losing hope. Then The Secret Fat Burner gave me a new lease on my life.

Being a hopeless food addict, it tends to become difficult to lose weight if you are like me. I love dining at different restaurants and tasting different foods, however not knowing the amount of fats in your food can be harmful to your health. I found happiness in food, everywhere I looked people where always happy with their perfect other half and I secretly wanted that. I knew it would never happen to me because I didn’t feel worthy while being overweight. Food became my happiness!

Then… the unthinkable happened. I found out the hard way when I was rushed to hospital due to a health complication. Being overweight can endanger your health and after my ordeal I tried to lose weight but nothing worked. Until the Secret Fat Burner waltzed into my life. It was a challenge to me at first in all honesty, as I was skeptical not knowing if this was going to be another epic fail in my life. The fat burner did come with some side effects which honestly made me want to give up, but with the constant and uplifting motivation of my best friend I persevered and pulled through.

My confidence levels are soaring every day and with The Secret fat Burners help I am now in a fantastic and truly amazing relationship with an incredibly awesome man. I never thought I would ever find someone so special, someone who makes me feel happier than a bag of potato chips. Hahaha, my friend and I still laugh at the thought of how I would choose potato chips over her. I believe it’s healthy to laugh at your life’s wrong choices as it’s the only way you can actually move forward.

With me being overweight I never wanted to really hit the social scene. I don’t seem to have much confidence in myself, but alas here I am today telling you my story. I am finally getting married in a few months.   I am truly happier than ever, I have more self-confidence and I’m looking amazing.  I cannot wait for my big day when I am able to put on my wedding gown and walk down the aisle looking at the man of my dreams.

I would not have had the courage and self confidence in myself if I was still overweight. Thank you to my amazing friend Trisha for introducing the Secret Fat Burner into my life and a very big thank you to the makers of The Secret Fat Burner.

What is High Blood Pressure

What is hypertension?

High blood pressure is an increase of pressure from the circulating blood on the artery walls as a normal reaction to stress and physical activity. But if this pressure remains persistently high (high blood pressure as it is called), it can overwork your heart and arteries, making arterial disease, heart attack and stroke more likely.

Blood Pressure Measurement

Doctors record blood pressure as two values, the systolic (the pressure of blood when the aorta from the heart) and diastolic (the pressure when the heart ventricles relax between beats). It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). High blood pressure, or in other words, hypertension or high blood pressure, defined in an adult as blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mm HG systolic pressure or greater than or equal to 90mm Hg diastolic pressure. Indicates However, a blood pressure reading of 140 90 is considered hypertension and abnormal at any stage.

Hypertension Effects

Coronary heart disease, leading to heart attacks and strokes, is the main damage can be caused by high blood pressure. Therefore, we recognize the fact that high blood pressure can easily play with the life of man.

Could it happen to me?

High blood pressure can occur for both children and adults. But people over 35 have a greater chance of being affected by hypertension. This is mostly common in African Americans, middle-aged and elderly, obese, heavy drinkers and women on birth. People suffering from diabetes, gout or kidney disease are also prone to hypertension.

Is it a genetic link?

Yes, high blood pressure also runs in families. So if your parents have a history of high blood pressure, try to keep an eye on your pressure. It may be due to your genes.

High blood pressure can also contribute to a high tension and stress levels. Why is it important to reduce stress, if there is a genetic component to hypertension.
Get regular, brisk exercise and eat a healthy diet. Check pressure regularly and take necessary steps before it damages your heart!