Write for Us

Are you living with high blood pressure or have experience with the condition? Perhaps you are a caregiver or a nurse that regularly interacts with patients with hypertension?

If so, we’d like to hear from you.

We are looking for stories and articles related to high blood pressure. In particular, we are looking for advice or guides on how to manage the condition. Occasionally, we may accept personal stories related to the condition.

Here is a rundown of the kind of articles we are interested in:

  • Roundup of products that can help people with high blood pressure
  • Listicles of advice or guides for people living with high blood pressure
  • Reviews of products designed for people living with high blood pressure

If you fit the bill, get in touch with me with your pitch. Please do not write an article and submit without your pitch being approved.

All content submitted must be 1200-2000 words and written in English.

I reserve the right to edit your post for clarity and readability.

Email me here for guest post opportunities.

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