Malignant High Blood Pressure: How Serious is It?

Malignant high blood pressure is a serious condition that happens to only about one percent of the population.

Doctors diagnose the disease as such when the lower (diastolic) pressure number, which usually reads at about 80 mmHg, rises rapidly to 130 mmHg.

If you find yourself with a diastolic number this high you should contact your doctor immediately because you will need emergency services as part of your treatment. The issue with blood pressure of this nature is that it’s serious but difficult disease to diagnose at times because the symptoms can mimic other conditions.

Symptoms of malignant high blood pressure include blurry vision, seizures and changes in your mental state. Report any feelings of anxiety or confusion because they can lead to a possible diagnosis of extreme hypertension. Other symptoms to watch out for include numbness, chest pain, sleepiness and weakness of your limbs.

Nausea and vomiting also indicate that you’re having a problem with this kind of blood pressure. Contact your doctor if any of these symptoms are present because swift medical attention reduces your chance of experiencing major complications.

The people at a higher risk of developing this condition

People who have a higher risk when it comes to this disease include those with Collagen vascular disorders, kidney problems and Toxemia of pregnancy. In some cases, younger patients are more at risk for developing malignant hypertension.

People of African-American decent have a higher likelihood of getting the disorder, as does anyone who has experienced kidney failure or renal artery stenosis.

Renal artery stenosis causes the narrowing of the arteries in your kidneys. Pregnant women who develop gestational hypertension sometimes fall victim to this blood pressure disease.

Patients who develop malignant hypertension will most certainly be sent to hospital sometimes to the intensive care unit. The goal of any doctor treating you is to lower your blood pressure to normal levels as soon as possible.

Nurses will hook patients up to an IV where they will receive medicines to treat and bring down their patient’s blood pressure. Fast treatment greatly increases your chance that the condition will cause little if any permanent damage. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek emergency treatment as soon as symptoms start to appear.

Tests to determine if someone has malignant hypertension

Tests that emergency room doctors do to reach a diagnosis of malignant hypertension include physical examinations, eye exam, blood tests, urine tests and a chest x-ray.

A physical exam checks for high blood pressure, swelling of the lower legs or feet, heart sounds and detects any fluid in the lungs.

Doctors look for any swelling related to the optic nerve, possible bleeding of the retina and the narrowing of blood vessels in the eye area.

Blood and urine tests tell a doctor if you experience any problems related to your kidneys as hypertension can cause damage to these areas.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to this disease is to seek immediate care by calling your doctor or emergency services because the longer you wait, more problems can occur as a result of it. This article is for information purposes only always consult your doctor regarding blood pressure issues.

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